September 20, 2019 | City Hall Boston, MA
Hundreds of people gathered at City Hall Boston, Massachusetts to voice their concerns about growing climate issues. In an effort to convince the government to create a new Green Deal, many brought signs as a show of their opinions and determination. It was not just the older generation that chose to partake in this strike, millions of the younger generation worldwide chose to get out of school and participate in, what is to them, an important step for a better and healthier future.
October 3, 2019 | Massachusetts State House
Arranged by Cosecha and Never Again Boston, a rally gathered supporters from all corners of Boston to legislate driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants. This is a fight that has been ongoing for 15 years, and each year, Cosecha delivers a piece of cake to the lawmakers in the statehouse. Although many people braved the cold in the afternoon of October 3, many people also courageously went inside the statehouse to sit in front of Speaker DeLeo's office, who has stalled the bill for years.
In the 1.5-hour rally, various speakers went on stage to talk about their personal experiences of not having a driver's license. To support both the undocumented community and those inside the statehouse, rally-ers chanted loudly outside: "The people united, will never be divided!"
October 19, 2019 | Blue Hill Ave., Boston
On October 19, 2019, hundreds of people gathered in 500 cities all over the world to participate in a silent walk hosted by the A21 Campaign. A21 is a non-profit organization that fights against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Every year, they partner with other organizations and host a "Walk for Freedom" in cities all over the world to raise awareness of the exploitation that still occurs today.
Globally, Hillsong Church has partnered with A21 for years, and this year, Hillsong Boston has partnered with Restoration City Church to host a 2-mile silent walk through Blue Hill Ave., where it is said a lot of street prostitution still occurs. 116 people checked in and walked through the neighborhood carrying signs, flyers, and roses, giving them out to passersby and drivers in their cars.
November 3, 2019 | East Boston, MA